Meaning of valknut
Meaning of valknut

meaning of valknut

Norse culture and the Viking Age are continuously growing in popular culture. Many are busy scrawling this Nordic symbol on the body of enthusiastic supporters. This ancient symbol is being given new life by tattoo artists. While the meaning of this symbol might never be definitively known, we do know that it makes a great tattoo. Therefore, literary sources and modern scholars have offered a variety of explanations. While there is much debate, there are a number of theories surrounding the Valknut. In this representation, the Valknut appears directly above a slain man. This rune stone was found on the Swedish island of Gotland. Much of his argument comes from the depiction of the Valknut symbol found on the Lärbro Stora Hammars stone.

meaning of valknut

It is also thought to simply be a viking symbol for warrior. For this reason is has also been referred to as the “knot of the slain warriors”. This is a synonym used in Old Norse, to mean “heart of the slain”. Westcoat goes on to claim that it may represent “the ideal, steady heart of the brave slain hero, dead warriors, or that of a worthy adversary.” He also surmises that the name Valknut might actually be a heiti. These sharp points, of course, are thought to be a possible connection to the points of the Valknut.

meaning of valknut

In this text, Hrungnir’s heart is famously described as being made of stone and having three sharp points. Hrungnir was a jötunn (giant) who is described as being “stone-made”. We find Hrungnir in the Prose Edda, which was a 13th century text written by Snorri Sturlson. Specifically, he argues that the Valknut might represent the heart of Hrungnir. Heart of the SlainĮirik Westcoat argues in his paper “The Valknut: Heart of the Slain?” that the triangular shape might represent a heart in some contexts. Its presence here shows influence of norse culture on the Anglo-Saxons of this region. The exact meaning of the Valknut is still debated in modern times. The other side has a simple symbol depicting a triangular symbol, or more specifically, three interlaced triangles. On one side there was a circular design made from continuous intersecting curves. This small gold finger-ring had designs inscribed on two circular bezels. If this ring is from the 8th century, it could possibly pre-date the Vikings. They had been experiencing raiding and then trading with the people from the north for quite some time. Viking symbols were well known to the Anglo-Saxons. This would have been during the Anglo-Saxon period in England. It has been dated back to the 8th or 9th century. This ring, is commonly referred to as the River Nene Ring. The ring was found about 300 meters above the site of what was known to be an ancient bridge. It is now a part of their Anglo-Saxon collection on display. Not populirized, however, until British MuseumĪccording to notes by the British Museum, they were able to acquire the ring. The Norse Gods could have been the Germanic Gods. This can also be used to argue that Odin was worshipped beyond the area of Viking influence. This means it stretches back into the Anglo-Saxon period.


The ring pre-dates the Viking Age by possibly full century. They unearthed a ring that has become a significant find for the history of the Valknut symbol.

meaning of valknut

In 1855 some men were eel fishing in the Nene River, in England. In pre-Christian religions, three was as significant as the Christian trinity. This is comparable, of course, to so many religious symbols that make use of the number three.


The Valknut symbol (seen below) is a series of three interlocking triangles. This is one reason why it can be widely interpreted to mean many things. There is no known name or word that is associated with the ancient symbol. The name, however, is a modern term that has been applied to the symbol. This suggests its use might have pre-dated the Viking Age. It has been found in various areas where Germanic people had settled. The Valknut symbol has been found in archeological sites dating as far back as the 8th-9th centuries.

Meaning of valknut